Magnacleanse system Flush
Flushing your system is the best way of removing the majority of sludge and magnetite from your central heating system, improving efficiency and reducing load on your boiler.
Adey have taken that principle a step further with their innovative Magnacleanse system flushing process. This step by step process ensures the maximum amount of sludge is removed from the system using chemical cleaners and agitation, all of which is filtered through the Magnacleanse duel external magnet system, ensuring all the debris from the radiators is collected before it enters the boiler. Aided by Adey's inhibitor water treatment, this process leaves your heating system cleansed and protected.

Above are some images taken from a Magnacleanse system flush carried out at a customers property recently. Our customer had noticed the lower part of several of their radiators were cooler than in other places and had noticed the boiler running for extended periods to achieve the desired room temperature.
As you can see, our Magnacleanse process removed a large amount of sludge, flakes of rust and Magnetite from the system that could otherwise wreak havoc inside the boiler. A Adey corrosion inhibitor was then added to the customers heating system to prevent any corrosion within the system in the future.
On a courtesy call to the customer the following week they informed us that their radiators are now performing much better, property now achieves desired temperature much faster and that their boiler isn't firing up as often or running for as long.
Get in touch at info@essexboilercare.co.uk to see if your system could benefit from our Adey Magnacleanse system flush.