Thermostatic Radiator Valves
Thermostatic Radiator Valves or TRV's allow for accurate control of a room's temperature by restricting or increasing flow into each radiator individually.
Having all the rooms in your home the same temperature isn't usually the most comfortable. Typically most people find a bedroom temperature of around 18-19 degrees Celsius while living rooms tend to be most comfortable around 21-22 degrees Celsius.
Without TRV's, a central heating system performing optimally will continue to heat the entire house equally until the room containing the thermostat reaches the desired temperature. often by this time, other rooms such as bedrooms with doors closed have exceeded a comfortable temperature.
With TRV's, the temperature of each room can be set individually meaning you can fine tune each room to the perfect temperature.
By reducing flow to selected radiators once the desired room temperature is achieved, radiators are not heated unnecessarily, reducing workload on the boiler and increasing performance in the rooms that require it more.
This is one of the quickest and simplest ways to reduce your heating costs, reduce load on your boiler while at the same time increasing comfort throughout your home.
For more info on the types of TRV's available, and which kind would best suit your requirements, why not enquire at info@essexboilercare.co.uk for a free estimate.